to promote innovation and the creative economy

with IDEENSTARK award winners and co-coaches at Breidenbach Studios in Heidelberg, 2021
Medien und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg mbH | IDEENSTARK
Project management of the application, selection and qualification phase as project coordinator, central contact person and mentor of IDEENSTARK 2021 and 2022, the conception and implementation of workshops as well as individual team coachings for the IDEENSTARK award winners …
IDEENSTARK is an award given by MFG Baden-Württemberg and is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism.
Learn more here.
Cluster der Kreativwirtschaft Hessen (CluK) e.V. | HOCI
Keynote speech and participation in a panel discussion as well as conception and moderation of consecutive workshops for the development of a qualitative requirement profile for a suitable property, a utilization concept and a suitable operation model for the House of Creativity and Innovation (HOCI) in Frankfurt / Main …
The HOCI is a physical place where creative people work together with business, universities and start-ups on the future of the business location. FrankfurtRheinMain is thus catching up with other metropolitan regions that have already successfully established creative centers and creating the conditions for innovation and development.
Learn more here.

with Niko Gültig, Stephanie Wüst and moderator Claudio Montanini at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Frankfurt, 2021
Photo: Manuela Schiffner for Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt

with co-moderator Matthias Burgbacher and creatives in Löwenstein, 2021
Photo: Kim Frenznick for Wirtschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken
Wirtschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken GmbH | KKW WR HN-F
Strategic advice on promoting cultural and creative industries in the Heilbronn-Franconia economic region: basic assessment, preparations for setting up a steering group, conception and implementation of a workshop, development of a strategy to promote “cross innovation” in the region …
Since it was founded in 1998, the Wirtschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken GmbH has bundled the regional economic development activities and is responsible for the coordination of a wide variety of future-proofing and overarching topics.
Learn more here.
Co-creative development of a suitable utilization concept for the machwerkhaus köln – with local actors from the creative industries, from crafts, technology, science and research as well as with key players from public administration in the context of different workshop formats …
As a physical, analogue center for design and urban production, the machwerkhaus köln wants to promote resource-saving value creation from the synergies of creative industries, crafts, technology and trade and thus contribute to the sustainable urban development of Cologne.
Learn more here.

with participants of the utopia-camp “urban production in the multifunctional city” at machwerkraum Mannheim, 2021
Photo: Beate Siegloch for machwerkstadt